Friday, September 6, 2013

Introduction of C programming language

10:29 AM

C  is a programming language which was developed in 1972 at the Bell Telephone Laboratories to develop the Unix operating system by Dennis M. Ritchie.
C is a computer based programming language. It is the most popular  and most widely used programming language in the world.
The UNIX  operating system, UNIX applications programs have been written in C.

It is used professionally for various reasons
1.It is very easy to learn
2.It is Structured language
3. It produces efficient programs.
4.Easy to handle low-level activities.
5. Easy to compile on a variety of computer platforms.
Usage of C
C is now used to develop Operating Systems, Language Compilers, Assemblers, Text Editors, Print Spoolers, Network Drivers, Modern Programs, Data Bases, Language Interpreters, Utilities.

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