Monday, December 9, 2013

Some online Judges for programming

12:45 AM

Some of the online judges designed for programming courses are:
  • Online Judge Plugin for Moodle 2.x, can automatically grade C/C++/Java/Python/Perl/C# and more 40+ programming language assignments.
  • Codejudge, an online judge that supports C/C++/Java/Python, an open source project written in PHP and Java using MIT License.
  • HUSTOJ, HUST Online Judge,C/C++/Pascal/Java/Ruby/Bash/Python/PHP/Perl/C# supported, an open source OJ system using GPL2.0 license, which support LiveCD mode and FPS format.
  • Sharif Judge, a free and open source online judge for programming assignments developed at Sharif University of Technology, supports C, C++, Java and Python
  • FPS, Free Problem Set, an open source problemset exchange format based on XML, which providing more than 400 free problems in FPS format.
  • SIO2, an open source online judge platform written in Python
  • Infoarena, over 1440 problems, C/ C++/ Pascal supported, over 20000 users. Romanian language only.
  •, A lot of problems and contests, C++ and C# supported.
  •, monthly long(10 days) and short(3.5 hrs) contests, problems for practice etc., supports over 35 languages.


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